Ann Buckley: Our priceless natural assets are at risk

Campdown, in Havant, where it is feared the green space could be lost to housing

Campdown, in Havant, where it is feared the green space could be lost to housing

Published in the Portsmouth News on the 28th November 2016


CAMPDOWN is a heritage area situated in a green gap between Havant, Purbrook and west Bedhampton – and its millennia-long history is under threat.

With a past going back to the Bronze Age and archaeology dating from Roman, Saxon and Medieval times, this ancient site is now on Havant Borough Council’s early release list of future housing development sites.

It is not just Campdown’s rich heritage that’s under threat.

The site has a diverse ecology and hedgerows abundant with food for birds and other wildlife.

It is also a Brent goose feeding ground and teems with native bird life including woodpeckers and wagtails.

The tree-rich land near the proposed site provides habitats for a variety of field creatures including the dormouse stringently protected under UK and EU legislation.

Continue reading Ann Buckley: Our priceless natural assets are at risk