
THE RACE IS ON – Secrets and Solutions

This film exposes the shocking assumptions that lie at the heart of all governments’ plans to avoid climate breakdown. With contributions from experts and change makers, we tell how humanity can rise to the challenge, and ensure a flourishing future.

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Nature’s Vanishing Trick

Robert Macfarlane’s teenage daughter Lily made this short video to try and explain to other young people — and to herself — why biodiversity loss, extinction & vanishing species really, really matter. It’s spoken from the heart. It’s about one of the vital issues of our times.

Click Here to watch the video on Vimeo


Poynton Regenerated

15 minute video showing a community in decline, divided by decades of anti-social traffic engineering, is reunited and revitalised by streetscape redesign.

Click Here to watch on YouTube


The evidence for climate change

16 minute video explaining the real evidence of climate without computer models or the IPCC.

Click Here to watch the video


Fully Charged

Fully Charged is a weekly video podcast from the creator of ‘Carpool,’ Robert Llewellyn. The show takes a look at the realities of using electric vehicles, looking behind the myths, seeking the truth about electric cars.

Click Here to watch the videos on YouTube


Don’t Frack Our Future – Doreen’s Story

Unconventional gas exploration is threatening Britain and Ireland. Licenses and planning applications have already been granted by the Government with little or no community consultation. The scale of the industrialisation and impacts are never discussed.

Click Here to watch the video on YouTube


The Plastic Battle

Winner of Friends of the Earth’s Best One-minute green film award. Director Ulla Jacobsen (Denmark) on her entry: “Over-packaging of children’s toys takes on absurd dimensions…”

Click Here to watch it on YouTube


There’s No Tomorrow

There’s No Tomorrow ‘ is a half-hour animated documentary that deals with resource depletion, energy, and growth. Inspired by the pro-capitalist cartoons of the 1940s, the film is an introduction to the energy dilemmas facing the world today.

Click Here to watch it on YouTube


Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

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Friends of the Earth Europe

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Friends of the Earth International

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Step on the Gas? Shale Gas in Europe

Against the background of a US shale gas boom, this new video infographic explores the debate about shale gas in Europe, examining the pros and cons of exploiting reserves. Will shale have its day in the sun or is the promise of a golden age of gas a false dawn for Europe?

Click Here to watch the video on YuTube

The Story of Stuff Project

When Annie Leonard and her friends at Free Range Studios set out in 2007 to share what she’d learned about the way we make, use and throw away Stuff, they thought 50,000 views would be a good result for her ‘20-minute cartoon about trash.’ Today, with over 15 million views and counting, The Story of Stuff is one of the most watched environmental-themed online movies of all time.

Click Here to watch the videos on YouTube


The End of Suburbia

The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream is a documentary which examines the rise of the suburban lifestyle, the costs to the Earth and the economy of our current living habits, where we may be headed, and how this situation can be remedied.

Click Here to watch it on YouTube


The Plastic Battle

Winner of Friends of the Earth’s Best One-minute green film award. Director Ulla Jacobsen (Denmark) on her entry: “Over-packaging of children’s toys takes on absurd dimensions…”

Click Here to watch it on YouTube


There’s No Tomorrow

There’s No Tomorrow ‘ is a half-hour animated documentary that deals with resource depletion, energy, and growth. Inspired by the pro-capitalist cartoons of the 1940s, the film is an introduction to the energy dilemmas facing the world today.

Click Here to watch it on YouTube


Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

Click Here to view the Youtube Channel


Friends of the Earth Europe

Click Here to view the Youtube Channel


Friends of the Earth International

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