Havant FOE Newsletter - October 2024

Talk – Biodiversity around Havant

Date: Thursday 10th October
Location: Havant Rugby Club, Room1/2, Hooks Lane Ground Clubhouse, Fraser Road, Havant, PO9 3EJ
Notes: Plenty of Parking – Bar available

Join us for a talk on Biodiversity around Havant with Tristan Norton, Principal Ecologist for Havant Borough Council.

Havant Borough is one of the most biodiverse parts of Hampshire and indeed the UK, supporting habitats and species of international, national and local importance.

This talk will provide an overview of Havant’s rich biodiversity, looking at characteristic sites, habitats and species, as well as some of the schemes to protect them.

The talk is a free to attend, but it would be helpful for us to know numbers.

Click here to book your place

Where do our greenhouse gas emissions come from? 

If we are going to tackle Greenhouses gases effectively, we need to know where they are coming from.

There are plenty of statistics around but Dan Grove has produced a page showing what’s happening around Havant Borough.

Find out more on the Havant Climate Alliance website

Our Water Conference

The conference we helped organise in partnership with Havant Green Party was a real eye-opener, and there are so many more related issues which should concern us.

If you weren’t able to attend the conference, or you would like to rewatch the event, the speakers’ presentations is  available now on the new Havant Green Party Youtube Channel

Watch via Youtube: The Effluent Recycling via Havant Thicket Reservoir talk with Tracey Viney

We working on getting the others published ASAP,  In the meantime, the speakers’ slides can be found on Google Drive

Please feel free to share this content to keep the important dialogue about our water going.

We have certainly got lots to think about, and how we can use this to bring about positive change in the Havant Borough.

Data on Cold Homes

Friends of the Earth have produced some really useful information about the proportion of homes that EPC (Energy Performace Certificate) rated D and below for each constituency.

This is background for the Warm Homes Campaign, and you can Download the document here ?

You can also see the information on a map here

Getting the messaging right on Green Energy

Ben McCallan, from Zero Carbon Guildford and Surrey County Council, led a Knowledge Sharing session on the 23rd September, looking at the barriers to adoption of green energy and how to tackle them, and asking how local energy groups can change perceptions.

He talked about how to frame the messaging on green energy choices so as to appeal to a much wider range of people, talking about the health and economic benefits, not just the climate crisis.

Read our blog here

Watch via Youtube: Knowledge Sharing: Bringing the public with us on home energy

You can also download Ben’s slides from the session here

Cancel new roads to boost growth

Transport Action Network has published its submission to the urgent review of the UK Department for Transport’s infrastructure capital spending portfolio, commissioned by Transport Secretary Louise Haigh.

TAN urges the government to divert some of the savings from cancelling new roads into fixing the existing pothole-ridden network.

It also provides examples of sustainable transport investment schemes projected to generate far higher economic and environmental benefits at lower cost, whilst increasing the share of passenger and freight conveyed by rail.

You can read the submission here, and if you haven’t written to Louise Haigh yet, please do.

TAN have had over 1,500 letters sent so far, but would love to get to 2,000.

Pollution levels

Friends of the Earth have also published research that showed pollution exceeds safe levels for nature in a quarter of England’s neighbourhoods, take a look at this map to find out if you live in a pollution hotspot.

Brenda Pollack

Brenda who is our South-East Regional Campaign Organiser has informed us that she will be taking voluntary redundancy after 32 years with FOE.

Havant FOE has written to Brenda to thank her for all of her hard work and dedication to FOE over the years. In time when it becomes clear we will keep you up to date with who her next succsessor will be.

March for Clean Water

Please come and join us on Saturday 26th October in London for March for Clean Water , and demand that the government to put an end to the aweful water pollution we have, and to call for healthy water across the whole of the UK.

Havant Thicket Reservoir

We have submitted our lengthy document of objections to Southern Water’s plans for effluent recycling in Havant, but there is now a new consultation.

Southern Water have published their revised draft Water Resources Management Plan for consultation for 12 weeks, with a closing date of Wednesday 4th December 2024.

This new plan confirms the selection of effluent recycling (Water Recycling) via the Havant Thicket Reservoir for delivery by 2035.

If you do not support effluent recycling as the way forward it is really important that you respond to this latest consultation.

Responses are sent to Defra and it’s the Secretary of State who will decide whether to approve the Southern Water plan. Campaigners are reviewing the revised draft plan, and aim to provide any updates necessary to this website by Sunday 13th October.

So even though there are no major changes to our concerns that are anticipated, you may wish to delay sending your consultation response until after we have updated the information via the Havant Matters website

Major campaign success

The UK’s first new coal mine in over 30 years was approved in December 2022. Alongside local campaigners from South Lakes Action on Climate Change and FOE had launched a legal challenge against the decision.

Following the Supreme Court’s landmark judgment on Horse Hill, the new government dropped its defence of the mine, so the case went ahead against West Cumbria Mining only.

Unequivocally the High Court has overturned planning permission for the mine, due to the failure to consider the emissions caused by burning the coal.

The government must now reconsider the full climate impacts of the mine. This is a massive win for climate and justice.

Events coming up

Tuesday 1st October 2024 – May 2025

Exhibition: The Quietness of Feeling: An exploration of trees featuring work by Benjamin Houghton and The Arborealists

Location: Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery


Wednesday 2nd October 

Friends of the Earth is holding a webinar for groups campaigning for strong council climate action plans.

Please register here


Thursday 3rd October 

Havant Clime Alliance: A time to raise our voices and help plan what action we might need to do locally

Join us on online on at 7 pm

Contact [email protected] for the link


Saturday 5th October 

Round the Harbour Walk – Join Friends of Langstone Harbour for the full 13 miles or just part.

The meet up is at 9:45am at the Eastney Ferry Pontoon.


Tuesday 8th October

Portsdown Hill: 30 years of conservation talk – with Richard Jones, Countryside Officer who reflects on the habitats of Portsdown.

The meeting starts at 7.30pm in the main hall of the Church of the Resurrection, Drayton PO6 2AQ.
£3 at the door includes refreshments.


Tuesday 8th October

Langstone Harbour Open Forum – starting at 7:00-9:00pm, The Langstone Harbour Advisory Committee invite stakeholders and members of the public to attend this informative event.

Learn more about Langstone harbour, and its management, environmental significance etc.

The meeting will be at Eastney Cruising Association, Ferry Road, Southsea, PO4 8LY


Saturday 19th October – 3rd November

The Great Coastal Birdwatch Spend up to an hour seeing how many different species of birds you can spot using Bird Aware’s guide, then submit your result.


Monday 21st October

Wild Seas, Wilder Cities book launch – Starting at 6.30pm in the Portsmouth Guildhall.


Thursday 24th October

Fungus Foray – starting at 10am – 1pm Explore the Portsdown countryside searching for fungi.

Meet up at the East gate of Fort Widley, Portsdown PO6 3LS, for a walk of about 3 hours.


Thursday 7th November

Langstone Harbour of the future – there is a range of speakers to off their view of Langstone Harbour of the future; Speakers include

Robert Bailey – co-founder of the Clean Harbours Partnership will be reviewing his recently published a directional paper for the Langstone Harbour Board, essentiall he wants the Harbour to re-invent itself as a eco-tourist destination.

Megan Roberts – Environmental Officer for the Harbour Board speaks on various environmental opportunities for the harbour, include sea weed harvesting.

Beth Hewden – will outline detail of the proposed Havant Energy Co-oprative; this initiative will enable local residents to buy into their own renewable energy system.

COP 29 – Azerbaijan

Monday 11th – Friday 22nd November 2024

Hampshire Climate Action Network meeting

Date: Saturday 5th October
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Location: St Peter’s Church, Jewry Street, Winchester SO23 8RW

(Located 5 Minutes from Winchester Railway Satation)

Please do come along at at 10.00am for coffee and networking, and/or join us afterwards for lunch over the road.

It’s your chance to share your ideas or pick other people’s brains.

There is a zoom link for people who can’t join us in person.

To get the link email [email protected]

Havant Climate Alliance Meeting

The meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday 15th October, starting at 9.30am.

If you would like a link to the meeting please email [email protected] 

Transition Chichester – Climate Adaptation

Date: Tuesday 15th October
Time: 4pm – 8pm

Transition Chichester are organising an event on climate adaptation. The event, at the Assembly Room in North Street, will cover climate adaptation and resilience at the local level; what the County Council and District Council are developing; how improving bio-diversity, reducing flooding and adaptation work hand in hand; how community volunteers can help; and how to work with other organisations to prepare for more extreme weather.

Register here

Dates for 2025

Annual South East Climate Alliance Gathering

Saturday, 8th March 2025
Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3RR

It’ll be a great opportunity to meet, network and recharge our batteries for another year’s campaigning.

Great Big Green Week

Saturday 7th – Sunday 15th June 2025

Do start to think what you might do to celebrate this week of green action.