Havant FOE Newsletter - February 2021

Show the Love

February is the month to make, wear or share green hearts, get the climate message out and talk to people about how the climate crisis will affect things they love.

There are lots of good ideas and resources in the Climate Coalition’s Action pack for February. https://www.theclimatecoalition.org/show-the-love

Good news day

12th February is a day to share positive stories about what people are doing to make our world better. Find stories to share on social media. And use the hashtag #showthelove

One thing everyone loves is good health but that can be threatened by climate change too. The Climate Coalition has just produced a new report on how the changing climate affects our health. https://www.theclimatecoalition.org/health-report

Local elections

On Thursday 6th May there will probably be elections across England for around 150 local councils, 7 Metro Mayors and the London Mayor and Assembly. These elections could make a real difference to the fight for a green and fair future. FOE have produced new resources. https://takeclimateaction.uk/elections/elections-2021-have-say-your-communitys-future

Other FoE resources Don’t forget that FOE has loads of really useful materials, especially on taking action with local authorities and also runs webinars and training sessions https://takeclimateaction.uk/join

2021 is a key year for the climate because we have vital COP26 climate talks in Glasgow in November and because the prediction of our reaching points of irreversible change are very clear. There are lots of events planned for 2021 and lots of groups involved. They are mainly linked into the Climate Coalition and the Cop26 Coalition. Lots of groups are also part of the Green New Deal UK which has produced plans for a post COVID recovery with Build Back Better.
The COP26 coalition is organising lots of events including a second programme of talks 27-28 March 2021and is planning to mobilise people all over the world in the lead up to the crucial climate talks in November. You can read their latest newsletter.


Green Jobs – Do you have ideas for creating green jobs locally? Are you finding it hard to access training? We’d love to hear your views. Send them to The Green New Deal will be producing a report on what jobs could be created in each constituency in early March and we are organising a meeting to discuss the report on 24th March at 7 p.m.

Read the preliminary report here https://www.greennewdealuk.org/updates/green-jobs-for-all-report/

Greenprint for South Hampshire

The Partnership for South Hampshire, a group of 12 local Authorities, including Havant, are working on a green recovery for the region. This will focus on social, economic and environmental factors. Policies will include: safeguarding biodiversity and natural capital, addressing health and skills inequalities, supporting green infrastructure initiatives, developing affordable and efficient housing, creating sustainable jobs and construction. There is a risk of these objectives getting lost under other pressures like maintaining housebuilding numbers or lack of funding, so it will be up to us to remind our Councillors about it.

Water Quality

The Partnership for South Hampshire are investigating a long-term solution to excess nitrates in our local Harbours and Solent. They want a sub-regional mitigation strategy, probably in the form of more land being set aside. Warblington Farm is seen as a relatively short-term solution for Havant. Natural England and the Environment Agency are reviewing permits for Southern Water Wastewater Treatment Works with view to reducing nitrates and pollution. The 2nd reading of the Sewage (inland Waters) Bill which could benefit our water quality, as been postponed for the time being due to Covid pressures.

Havant Borough Council’s Constitution

The Council have agreed an updated version which will bring it more into alignment with that for East Hants District Council. This will make it easier for staff who work across both Councils. Councillors insist that previous issues of corruption at EHDC have been addressed and will not affect Havant.

Outstanding Planning Applications

  • New Lidl by B&Q at Purbrook
  • Changes to Mill Rythe Holiday Village
  • 195 houses near Sinah Lane, Hayling
  • Lower Road Bedhampton.
  • Brockhampton West Landfill Site
  • Havant Thicket Reservoir
  • Regeneration of 5 – 11 East Street, Havant
  • 191 flats on the former SSE site, corner of Bartons and Petersfield Road
  • Aquind Interconnector

If you would like more information on any of these please contact Pat Brooks via [email protected]

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 is from 22nd Feb to 8th March is on the theme of climate – how people in poorer countries are already hit by the changing climate and how Fairtrade can help. There’s an online festival as well as events around the country. There are loads of excellent resources for schools, including materials to use at home and an invitation for young people to share their vision of the world they’d like to see: There are also good short videos which could be included in a virtual coffee morning or a service and plenty of materials to share on social media.


Join us for a local event Climate, Fairtrade and You at 6.30 on Monday 1st March https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/climate-fairtrade-and-you-tickets-140578583327

Actions to take
Saving Bees

On 8 January 2021, the UK government temporarily authorised the use of a bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticide. Neonicotinoids can contaminate the soil, waterways and wildflowers, threatening our bees and other wildlife.

The department for the environment (Defra) is drawing up a new Pesticides Action Plan. If enough of us speak up, we could help reduce the use of pesticides in our countryside.


Stop Heathrow expansion

The Supreme Court has overturned our historic victory on Heathrow’s third runway, allowing the project to proceed to the next stage. Expansion at any airport would be a disaster for climate.

But there is hope. The judgment is by no means a “green light”, and Boris Johnson has the power to scrap the policy decision to support Heathrow expansion. Join us in asking the government to stop plans for a third runway.


New Coal mine for Cumbria. An amazing decision when the government is promising to decarbonise the economy. Please add your voice to this Greenpeace petition https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/news/government-coal-mine-robert-jenrick-climate/
Hampshire Pension Fund

If you or your friends are in HCC pension fund and support divestment, email [email protected] (If problems, email [email protected]). You can read the background at https://www.winacc.org.uk/hampshire-pension-divestment/

Local Transport consultation

Hampshire County Council is running a consultation on their local transport plans so do take some time to share your thoughts. Please respond to HCC LTP4 questionnaire, whether or not you want involvement.

https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/localtransportplan    Deadline 28th February to respond


Portsmouth Green Drinks meeting – Thursday 11th February at 8pm.   Andrew Waggott, Energy Services Manager at Portsmouth City Council will talk about the Home Energy Support Service which is expanding to cover all homes across the city.

Don’t forget that Havant Climate Alliance meets via Zoom most Wednesdays. The next meeting is on Wednesday 17th at 7.00pm

Contact [email protected] if you’d like the details.

Find out more on their website. https://havantclimatealliance.wordpress.com/ or  follow them on Facebook or Twitter: @HavClimate

The Government’s Committee on Climate Change is running a series of webinars:  the Path to Net Zero series, available at https://www.theccc.org.uk/news-insights/coming-up/. .On Wed 24th from 10.00 to 11.00 it’s focussing on what Local Authorities can do. They are all recorded to watch later.