Havant FOE Newsletter - December 2020

A talk to Havant Climate Alliance bt Tim Ferrero of HIWWT
Wednesday 9th December at 7.30pm


On Wednesday 9th join us for an event about Seagrasses which are the only flowering plants able to survive in the sea. Come and hear Dr Tim Ferrero of HIWWT explain how these incredible and threatened plants can help improve water quality, increase biodiversity, stabilise sediments and sequester nutrients and carbon and all on our shore step!

This is an opportunity to hear the science, ask questions and find out what you can do to help protect seagrass in Havant Borough, and all from the comfort of your own home.

Once you have signed up to the meeting you will be sent a Zoom invitation to join the meeting on the day of the event.


Havant Borough Council is organising a virtual open meeting/ Workshop for Havant residents and community groups to introduce the top priorities to be included in the new Havant Borough Council Climate Change & Environment Strategy It’s on Tuesday 8th December (Opening 4.45pm ) for 5pm – 6.30pm

To join in with the meeting you can either use your computer or the mobile app

Click here to join the Microsoft Teams meeting

The Green Homes Grant

Good news for people living in cold houses: the government has extended the Green Homes Grant to March 2022, giving us another year to claim and spend vouchers for up to £5k for home insulation, heat pumps, and other measures. But many installers are booked up for months in advance, so don’t leave it too long to apply. More details here

Good News Apparently, a record 47 religious institutions from 21 countries have joined together declaring they would divest from fossil fuels!  find out more here

Tree Warden News

If you’d like to receive a copy of ‘About Trees’, the monthly newsletter from Havant Borough Tree Wardens, please email Havant Climate Alliance at [email protected]

Support for Fossil fuels

Did you know that the Government is still supporting fossil fuel projects overseas? Global Justice Now has shown that nearly £4 billion of UK public funds have been given to fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement was signed. This included money from the international development budget and UK Export Finance.

Sign their petition


COP 26

The big climate conference in Glasgow next year is really important as it’s clear that the world is way off track in making the kind of emission cuts we need if we are to avoid more than a 1.5 C rise in temperatures.

There’s a short video on the BBC website which explains just how serious that would be. The Climate Coalition (about 140 campaigning groups around Britain) has lots of plans for 2021 and so does the COP26 coalition.

An international conference on 12/12 is to collect nationally determined contributions and the UK has just announced a rise in ambition from 57% to 68% of 1990 emissions levels. This is good but a lot of climate groups are concerned at the funds allocated will not deliver the cuts which are needed.

On Wednesday, the Government’s Committee on Climate Change will be issuing the Sixth Carbon Budget, required under the Climate Change Act. This will provide Ministers with advice on the volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037.

Green Jobs

What exactly are green jobs? How can we create them locally? The Green New Deal group is working on ideas for every area but in the meantime, check out their report https://www.greennewdealuk.org/updates/green-jobs-for-all-report/

Climate Outreach have done some great work on which issues appeal to different people and produced a toolkit for communicating climate issues. . The encouraging news is that most people in the UK are concerned about climate change but there are lots of different views about how to achieve the cuts we need. https://climateoutreach.org/
Trade and the Environment

There are lots of very confusing trade deals agriculture and environmental bills being debated at the moment as we lead up to Brexit. Friends of the Earth are making representations to make sure the environment and social justice and considered at every stage. Check out what we are calling for https://friendsoftheearth.uk/trade

Don’t forget that Havant Climate Alliance meets via Zoom most Wednesdays. 

The meeting on Wednesday 9th December is about Seagrass.

Please email us for the link if you’d like to join in future at [email protected]

To find out more https://havantclimatealliance.wordpress.com/

You can also follow on Facebook or Twitter: @HavClimate